Frequently Asked Questions

What is “Dod pieci!”?

The charity marathon “Dod pieci!” is part of the international “Serious Request” project, which organises several charity marathons every year in different European countries. The first glass studio was launched in Utrecht, the Netherlands, before Christmas in 2004, and the first charity marathon in Latvia took place in December 2014.

When and where will “Dod pieci!” take place this year?

The charity marathon “Dod pieci!” will take place from 15 to 21 December of this year. The glass studio of Latvian Radio 5 will be located in Riga, Dome Square.

Who are the donations of this year’s “Dod pieci!” for?

This year, the public media charity marathon “Dod pieci!” will advocate for people with critical and acute health problems that have come on suddenly and need immediate treatment, but the costs of which are not covered by the state.

The aim of the campaign is to draw the attention of the state and society to the problems faced by seriously ill people and their families and to find solutions to help. Alongside physical pain and limitations, a seriously ill person often finds themselves in a desperate situation because of the lack of money needed for treatment. When a patient’s diagnosis “falls out” of the state-funded treatment or reimbursable medicines list, the illness drags everyone close to them into poverty and destitution.

It is the responsibility of all of us to stand together and offer assistance. We cannot allow seriously ill people to go without help because sudden health problems can hit any of us – illness is not planned, it does not care, and it does not spare.

How can you donate to “Dod pieci!”?

For a EUR 5 donation you can have your favourite song played on Latvijas Radio 5. Donations can be made from 20 November on the website From 13 to 19 December, donations can also be made at the charity marathon glass studio in Riga Old Town, Dome Square. It will also be possible to make a donation for the "Dod pieci!" purpose on the website. 

Does charge a commission fee for donations made? does not charge any commission or agents’ fee for donations received. 100% of the donated money goes to its intended cause. The administrative costs of are not covered by "Dod pieci!" donations.

What help will a minimum donation of EUR 5 provide?

The aim of the donation: every 5 euros – direct, immediate aid for people with critical and acute health problems that have come on suddenly and unplanned and need immediate assistance.

The funds donated during “Dod pieci!” will be passed on to the charity organisation, which will help with the purchase of medicines, necessary examinations and diagnostics, as well as cover other types of assistance in cases where treatment needs to be started immediately but the individual donation project has not yet collected the funds.

The funds will primarily be used for emergency assistance in critical situations (including serious illnesses that require immediate treatment and large amounts of money), the provision of medicines in critical cases, including oncology patients, as well as examinations to establish a diagnosis and start treatment.

Why this year we will help children and young people at risk?

Every year, more than 300 people with critical and acute health problems turn to, asking for immediate help to purchase medicines, undergo examinations and diagnosis, receive assistance in the treatment of rare and severe diagnoses, as well as for surgeries and procedures both in Latvia and abroad.

Often, people don’t have enough money to consult a doctor because the lack of quotas makes it difficult to access state-funded specialists, or there are long waiting times. 

For example, the State Audit Office’s 2023 audit report “Oncology – a priority without results” concludes that the measures implemented by the Ministry of Health do not ensure the early detection of oncological diseases, effective functioning of the “Green Corridor” or reimbursement of medicines needed by patients, which have a significant impact on Latvia’s public health indicators. The report assesses the reimbursement of oncology medicines as hopeless, unequal and humiliating. In addition, other patients with life-threatening diseases face similar problems and require large sums of money for treatment, examinations and surgery. points out that the number of cases and the total amount of help needed is significant and unpredictable. It is, therefore, essential that emergency funds are available at critical times and that people can receive help, even partial help, immediately, while individual donations are being raised for long-term support or in chronic cases.

Where can I follow the events of “Dod pieci!”?

From 13 to 19 December, 24 hours a day, you will be able to follow the events of “Dod pieci!” on air on Latvian Radio 5, online at and

Can I choose to donate to any song?

During the "Dod pieci!" campaign, there will be no restrictions on the musical format of Latvian Radio 5 – all the songs donors want to hear will be played on air, ranging from an excerpt from Wagner’s "Lohengrin" to a ten-minute Metallica track. We will play the most radical genres of music during the darkest hours of the day.

When will the song I donated for be played on Latvian Radio 5 –

Once a donation has been received for a song, the music department of Latvian Radio 5 will find the nearest suitable time to play it on the radio. As it is not possible to predict the number of song submissions, it is not possible to say the exact timing of each song being played live. One of the main principles is to play as many songs as possible without repetitions. A list of all the songs played during the marathon will be available on the “Dod pieci!” website The best chance of hearing your song on air is if it is well-known and popular, and if your donation is made early on.

Can I enter a song by making a donation to “Dod pieci!” in the glass studio?

Yes, this year both cash and non-cash donations will be accepted at the glass studio. It will be possible to request a song by accessing the donation window – volunteers will exchange the donation for the selected song and enter it into the shared system. However, this does not mean that the chosen song will be played on air immediately – we receive a lot of submissions during the charity marathon, and the music editor sorts the order of the songs several hours in advance.

Can I have my name called on air before playing my selected song if I have donated?

The name of the specific donor is not going to be mentioned on the radio. Usually plenty of people choose the same song, and it would take a long time to name all the donors. However, if you want your name to be acknowledged, the donor's name appears in the list of donors when donating on

Where can I listen to Latvian Radio 5 –

The broadcasting frequency of Latvian Radio 5 is 93.1 FM in Riga, 102.1 FM in Liepāja, 100.5 FM in Limbaži, 103.8 FM in Rēzekne, 102.4 FM in Saldus, 89.5 FM in Valmiera and 96.5 FM in Ventspils. Online –

It is also possible to listen to content produced by the Latvian Radio on the Latvian Radio mobile app.

My child brought a drawing – can it be given to the DJs in the glass studio this year?

Yes, drawings can be dropped off at the donation window.

Who has been helped by “Dod pieci!”?

In 2023, EUR 503 759 was donated, enabling children and young people at risk to break out of adverse environments and build a motivated, safe, mentally and physically healthy future.

In 2022, the "Dod pieci!" charity marathon called for help for Ukrainian refugee children in Latvia. In 2022, EUR 804 384 was raised in donations, the largest amount donated in the history of the "Dod pieci!" charity marathon.

In 2021, the charity marathon "Dod pieci!" highlighted the issue of accessibility for people with functional disabilities, inviting the public to see the everyday lives of people with visual, hearing or mobility impairments. In 2021, EUR 483,346 was raised in donations, the largest amount donated in the history of the “Dod pieci!” charity marathon. 

In 2020, the “Dod pieci!” charity marathon raised EUR 407,020 to help victims of domestic violence. 

In 2019, donations of EUR 438,197 provided nutritious meals for terminally ill people who can no longer feed themselves, as well as provided other palliative care support therapies. 

In 2018, donated funds in the amount of EUR 120,046 through and “Plecs” were directed to the creation and implementation of a free young parents support and training programme throughout Latvia. 

In 2017, donations of EUR 358,121 provided 35,812 hours of emotional and practical support to “Plecs” families who want to give homes to children from orphanages. 

In 2016, EUR 190,910 was donated, which enabled the organisation of 21 psychosocial support camps for oncology patients and their relatives. 

In 2015, EUR 135,546 was donated to provide assistance to more than 50 families with children with special needs. 

In December 2014, the first “Dod pieci!” charity marathon raised EUR 64,550, providing Christmas presents for more than five thousand poor and lonely elderly people in Latvia.

Donation reports from projects:

Can you get involved in “Dod pieci!” as a volunteer and help with the charity marathon?

Yes, volunteers are a big part of the “Dod pieci!” charity marathon. We are happy and grateful to the volunteers who want to be part of the “Dod pieci!” team year after year. If you would like to help, please contact:

Can I collect donations outside the giving opportunities announced in the charity marathon through “Dod pieci!” branding (e.g., by placing donation boxes)? What are the conditions?

Yes, you can! “Dod pieci!” is a charity marathon, so we welcome every activity that raises donations for the marathon cause.

What are the possibilities for companies to donate and are there tax benefits?

Companies that value social responsibility are invited to conclude a donation agreement with Companies are entitled to an income tax relief. Additional information is available here:

To enter into a donation agreement, please fill in the application form. If you have any further questions, please contact

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Informative support:

Donated at least €10 000 for the charity "Everest Climb":